An excellent waterproof headlamp with high brightness and real high capacity battery. It can be used in any wading environment and can work properly at least 50 meters underwater.

[DVH01]1500 Lumen Waterproof Headlamp,Rechargeable,For All Lighting Needs

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $38.50.
■ 3500 mAh actual capacity rechargeable lithium battery ■ P50 led wick with advanced packaging technology ■ High-strength aluminum alloy lamp body ■ Three light modes (Min-Max-Strobe) ■ IPX8 highest level waterproof performance ■ High elasticity rubber headband ■ Maximum 1500 lumen flux ■ Complete set of accessories. (including high quality dual slot slave)

Diving headlamp,Waterproof headlamp,IPX8 waterproof rating,four light modes,1500 Lumen,3500 mAh real capacity rechargeable battery

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $38.50.
【强大的可充电电池】 - LOVE-LIFE 可充电头灯配备高容量 3500mAh 电池,确保长时间使用,无需经常更换。它的便利性和环保性使其非常适合露营、夜间骑行或巡逻任务等各种活动。 【超亮 LED 技术】 - 这款头灯配备先进的 LED 芯片,亮度高达 1500 流明,可照亮前方 60 米的道路。它非常适合深潜探险以及清晰视野至关重要的救援和探索任务。 【防水耐用设计】 - 这款头灯专为恶劣条件而设计,防水,让您可以在雨天探险甚至水下 60 米处放心使用。其轻质铝结构确保耐用性和便携性,非常适合户外探险和专业用途。 【多种照明模式】 - 头灯提供多种照明模式,以适应不同的情况。从高、低和频闪模式中选择,提供多功能性,无论您是需要强光导航还是需要微弱的光芒来阅读或在黑暗中修理设备。 【轻便舒适】 - LOVE-LIFE 头灯专为舒适而设计,采用人体工程学设计,可紧贴您的前额,防止长时间使用时疲劳。其紧凑的尺寸和轻巧的重量使其不显眼,让您可以专注于潜水、徒步旅行或夜间任务而不会分心。

[DVH03]1500 Lumen Waterproof Headlamp,IPX8 Waterproof Rating,Rechargeable

Original price was: $48.60.Current price is: $38.00.
■ 3500 mAh actual capacity rechargeable lithium battery ■ P50 led wick with advanced packaging technology ■ High-strength aluminum alloy lamp body ■ Five light modes (Min-Med-Max-Strobe-SOS) ■ IPX8 highest level waterproof performance ■ High elasticity rubber headband ■ Maximum 1500 lumen flux ■ Complete set of accessories. (including high quality dual slot slave)